I am continually amazed at the human spirit. In light of the most recent discovery of a child that had been held captive for 18 years, it's amazing to me what the human spirit will endure. We live in a broken, messed up world. We all endure a measure of the brokenness of this world. Unfortunately some must endure more that others. In fact, some endure more than most can even begin to imagine. Yet, beyond the odds...we endure and move on with life.
Or do we? I remember when my kids were small and we traveled on a plane for vacation. We travelled with tons of baggage. Thankfully then the airlines didn't charge for each and every item. You know all the items I'm speaking of: two or three suitcases, car seat, portable crib, and a backpack full of favorite toys, snacks, Benadryl, etc. If you've ever traveled with kids you know exactly what I mean. It's overwhelming at times how much stuff you have to take with you when traveling with small children. You almost need a vacation after your vacation, so that you can rest from carrying so much baggage.
I think we all tend to travel along in life like that - enduring. We carry so much baggage around. You know the baggage I'm speaking of: choices that lead to guilt and shame, cruel words that were spoken, lonely aches, vows that were broken, wasted years of addictions, Love that was never given or received, unfulfilled dreams. We live in a broken world but travel through it with all our baggage. Yes, the human spirit it very resilient...but it's also very broken. And it's in those moments of brokenness, when we're exhausted from carrying all of our baggage that God comes in with his grace. It's his grace that helps us through the brokenness of this world.
Are you tired of all your baggage? Is your heart tired of carrying all of it? Is it time to unpack those bags stop the rat race of life for a better way of life? Life breaks and falls apart, but this is exactly the places where God's grace is. Place all the brokenness of your life at Christ's feet and you'll find wholeness and healing. He takes all your baggage and replaces it with his love, acceptance and grace. He will redeem all that you see as loss, all the hurts you have, or all those lost years due to life controlling habits. Just watch and see what He can do with all of it. It will be AMAZING. You never know the miracle that God has in store for you as you walk with him and allow him to show you his grace in your broken places. You'll find your spirit soar and fly stronger than ever.